Launching a home charger

Problem to solve

ChargePoint ventured into the profitable consumer home charger market. We needed the user experience to align with our easy to use public stations and seamlessly integrate into the native mobile charging app. The objective was to simplify installation and enable users to effortlessly manage their charging sessions, access data and customize settings.


ChargePoint needed to enter the home charging market and partner with European auto providers. The product needed to be easy to install and allow users to manage their charging sessions and settings.

Moving into the consumer market and not electrocuting the customer


  • Simplify installation for both consumer and installers

  • Integrate the station into the mobile app, making it a connected, smart charger

  • Represent the company brand and consumer voice

Defining success

To find key user moments, we used the technique of writing both positive and negative future reviews. What reviews would users write if the product was a huge success or if it failed? This helped define features and must-haves, shaping the direction of the product and the mobile app integration.

User testing

I worked with the UX team and tested the installation with users and discovered electrocution hazard during installation. Consumers are not technical, even if they state they are; they needed very simple, scannable, and easy-to-understand installation guidance.

User interviews included interacting with the hardware
Participants tested installation guides by doing a mock install


After reviewing user testing, the UX team made several recommendations to improve user interaction and safety:

  • Hardwire the main power plug to prevent electrocution hazard.

  • Include all screws and driver bits to avoid unnecessary trips to the hardware store for any non-standard items.

  • Add marketing graphics to the packaging to lessen the industrial feel of the product.

  • Make installation directions simple and more visual. Include a quick guide, and video to accommodate all skill levels..

Attaching power cable for safety

Included drill bits and driver bits

Packaging incorporating marketing graphics

Mapping installation and set up flow for the Home station


  • Integrating utility programs to allow customers to get the best electrical rates and charging times.

  • Added home charging to charging activity to allow drivers to see a breakdown of public and home usage.

  • Integrated with home ecosystem through Amazon Alexa and Google Voice to allow voice command and Apple and Android watch control.

  • Give users the ability to control LED brightness.

Mobile integration shows home and public charging
Voice integration to monitor and control charging sessions
Home installation with clear, visual steps to help guide the installation


  • Top selling, four-star rated home charger on Amazon

  • Positive social media postings

  • Exceeded initial sales prediction by 4%

  • Apple requested to feature watch integration as part of Apple Watch promotions

  • The prewritten “future reviews” matched actual customer reviews, ratings, and social media posts. Mission accomplished.

Lessons learned

  • Small things matter. Users reacted positively to the drill bit and driver bit being included. This added minimal cost but significant user satisfaction.

  • Users overestimate their skill level. Without in-person installation testing, the product would have been a potential electrocution hazard and company liability.